Как включить gps арма 3

Здравствуйте, на многих видео видел как поставиле на карте метку после чего садясь в машину была показана точка в каком направлении задание или метка и какое до нее расстояние, как ее включить?

    30 Январь 2017 — 04:13
  • #1

Здравствуйте, на многих видео видел как поставиле на карте метку после чего садясь в машину была показана точка в каком направлении задание или метка и какое до нее расстояние, как ее включить?

Находясь на карте зажмите правый шифт и щелкните мышкой

    30 Январь 2017 — 05:25
  • #2

    30 Январь 2017 — 02:03
  • #3

Это игровой процесс. могли бы в игре спросить, вам бы помогли обязательно. намного быстрее. чем такой вопрос задавать админам.

    05 Февраль 2017 — 03:09
  • #4

Это игровой процесс. могли бы в игре спросить, вам бы помогли обязательно. намного быстрее. чем такой вопрос задавать админам.

Я новенький но прекрасно знаю что сразу там спрашивают, честно устал там этот вопрос задавать, раз 30 спросил, потом подумал лучше не стоит а то еще за флуд бан отхвачу, вот и спросил тут)

Изменено: RvLTRIA, 05 Февраль 2017 — 04:31

The GPS map always stays oriented to the north and never moves. However, the way you are facing/looking is reflected on the map. Your character is represented by a circle with a line through it. The direction the line is pointing is the direction your character is facing/looking.

The GPS map always stays oriented to the north and never moves. However, the way you are facing/looking is reflected on the map. Your character is represented by a circle with a line through it. The direction the line is pointing is the direction your character is facing/looking.

That changed and now you can have the whole map turn as you do and your player marker always facing up!

That changed and now you can have the whole map turn as you do and your player marker always facing up!

Hello, thanks for ur reply, i didnt really understand how to make it.

On the uk layout keyboard, the keys [ and ] bring up the gps either left=[ and right=] side of your screen, once up you can press shift or control(can’t remember witch) + [ or ] depending on what side of the screen you have picked, you can have both at he same time, eg left side show map turning and right player marker turning.

This also works with commander/gunner cams while in the drivers seat of vehicles

Hello, thanks for ur reply, i didnt really understand how to make it.

On the uk layout keyboard, the keys [ and ] bring up the gps either left=[ and right=] side of your screen, once up you can press shift or control(can’t remember witch) + [ or ] depending on what side of the screen you have picked, you can have both at he same time, eg left side show map turning and right player marker turning.

This also works with commander/gunner cams while in the drivers seat of vehicles

The GPS map always stays oriented to the north and never moves. However, the way you are facing/looking is reflected on the map. Your character is represented by a circle with a line through it. The direction the line is pointing is the direction your character is facing/looking.

That changed and now you can have the whole map turn as you do and your player marker always facing up!

Mine are default keys, but wasn’t sure about other countries layout lol, but yeah on uk [ and ] are the gps panel keys.

Glad you got it in the end 🙂

That changed and now you can have the whole map turn as you do and your player marker always facing up!

No, it has not changed. As of version 1.82.14470, the GPS map is, and always has been, fixed, only your position changes. You must be referring to some mod, like the ShackTac User Interface.

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